What’s new with .NET MAUI
Duration 35 minutes
.NET MAUI is the best way to build cross platform mobile and desktop apps with .NET and C#. Join Maddy Leger, .NET MAUI Program Manager, to get a first look of .NET MAUI in .NET 6 and learn how you can start using it today.

Maddy Leger
Program Manager for Visual Studio Mobile Dev Tools at Microsoft
Maddy Leger is a Program Manager at Microsoft on the Xamarin team. She has been with the team since 2018 working on Xamarin tooling. She first worked with the Xamarin team as a Microsoft intern and realized the impact she could have creating amazing developer tools and frameworks.
Maddy’s current focus is on making Xamarin.Forms developers more productive than ever. Find Maddy on Twitter and Github @maddyleger1!
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