User Interface Tests in Kotlin | How to implement them
Looking at “Advanced Android in Kotlin” code labs series from google you can find one about Testing and Dependency Injection. It is not only a testing practice but an architecture guide for android too.
When you reach the third section you will start to write User Interface tests with Espresso. It is awesome to run them and see the app running alone and doing things. Although it is filed as an advanced code lab, the code for the test can be refactored using the Page Object Pattern
Page Object Pattern
The sense of a page object is to hide the “odd” code needed to replicate the steps needed to navigate through our app, perform actions as a user and provide a clean interface to create meaning and useful tests with.
To see this in action we will use the code from the code lab repo final solution you can find here:
We will work from the “end_codelab_3” branch.
Page Object in Kotlin
We will start by adding the base Kotlin class Page that will start the magic. Add this class to the “androidTest” source set:
open class Page {
companion object {
inline fun <reified T : Page> on(): T {
return Page().on()
inline fun <reified T : Page> on(): T {
val page = T::class.constructors.first().call()
//Thread.sleep(500) //To give time when asynchronous calls are invoked
return page
open fun verify(): Page {
// Each subpage should have its default assurances here
return this
fun back(): Page {
return this
If you want to go deep on this, please take a look to Page Object Pattern in Kotlin for UI Test Automation On Android from Kate Savelova
In the end, this class is used to be able to define a fluent API that will help us to organize the code needed to perform navigation, actions, and checks throughout our app pages, views, etc. Pay special attention to the verify function. This function is used to check if the page we want has been loaded.
Let’s start by adding our first test with this page. Go to AppNavigationTest.kt file and add a new test that will add a new task to the app.
fun createNewTask() {
// Start up Tasks screen
val activityScenario = ActivityScenario.launch(TasksActivity::class.java)
// When using ActivityScenario.launch, always call close()
This is the starter code for the test that just launch the TasksActivity, for a deep understanding of this take a look at the code lab: https://developer.android.com/codelabs/advanced-android-kotlin-training-testing-survey#0
The full test code is:
fun createNewTask() {
// Start up Tasks screen
val activityScenario = ActivityScenario.launch(TasksActivity::class.java)
val testTask= Task(“title”, “description”)
// When using ActivityScenario.launch, always call close()
See the beauty of the test:
- Create a task
- In TasksPage, taps on Add Button
- On AddTaskPage, add the task we created in step 1
- Now on TasksPage, check the task has been added.
It is very meaningful, and simple. But it does not compile yet, but do not worry. Let’s fix all:
Add the gradle dependency to the app build.gradle:
- implementation “org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:$kotlinVersion”
TasksPage and AddTaskPage classes
Add the TasksPage and AddTaskPage classes in the same package of PageObject:
class TasksPage : Page() {
override fun verify(): TasksPage {
return this
fun tapOnAddButton(): TasksPage {
return this
fun tapOnEditTask(): TasksPage {
return this
fun checkAddedTask(testTask: Task): TasksPage {
return this
class AddTaskPage: Page() {
override fun verify(): AddTaskPage {
return this
fun addTask(task: Task):AddTaskPage{
.perform(clearText(), typeText(task.title))
.perform(clearText(), typeText(task.description))
return this
It contains all the Espresso code needed to do all the interactions. If we do not use this pattern, we will end up with a very long test with all those Espresso methods in only one test, which make it very hard to read and maintain.
You will end with this running app on your mobile:
The equivalent test without using Page Object pattern is:
fun createNewTaskWithoutPageObject(){
val activityScenario = ActivityScenario.launch(TasksActivity::class.java)
val task= Task(“title”, “description”)
//check tasks page open
//tap on add button
//check task page is open
//add task
.perform(ViewActions.clearText(), ViewActions.typeText(task.title))
.perform(ViewActions.clearText(), ViewActions.typeText(task.description))
//check task page is open
//check added task
// When using ActivityScenario.launch, always call close()
Which test code will you prefer?
The benefits of using this pattern to build UI tests are:
- Meaningful UI test:
- As you can see, the UI test code is very descriptive, it is written like a novel.
- Maintaining:
- Whenever the UI changes, we only must change those pages that have been affected by that. But with this architecture, it is easy to find them, and it is easier to figure out why
- Adding new tests becomes easy to avoid duplicated code.
Page Object is a great widely pattern used to perform UI tests in other platforms like java, JavaScript, c#, etc. And as you can see it is very easy once understood. We hope you find this post useful.
You can see a full version of this code on my google code lab fork.