Creation of technical guides of Security for the National Cryptologic Center
From Plain Concepts, we are pleased to announce that in collaboration with Microsoft we have been responsible for developing the technical guides of Security and its scripts for the deployment of Office 365 and Microsoft Azure for the National Cryptologic Center (CCN-CERT), an organization attached to the National Intelligence Center (CNI).
The publication of these technical guides for the deployment of Microsoft’s cloud services makes it easier for the CCN-CERT’s IT staff to comply with the National Security Scheme (ENS), in order to guarantee the IT and information security of the bodies, entities, and institutions dependent on the Spanish Public Administrations.
The new guides, which are already available for download by the Public Administrations and also for private companies in the official portals of the CCN, were recently presented by Iván González, general manager and partner of Plain Concepts, at the XIII STIC CCN-CERT Conference, which was attended by more than 3,300 people.
In his speech, made together with Hector Sanchez, National Technology Officer at Microsoft, Gonzalez explained that “the guides are the response to a demand from IT users of the Public Administrations in the fulfillment of their regulatory obligations in the field of cloud security”.
The executive assured that “Plain Concepts can help deploy any Azure and Office 365 infrastructure by following the guidelines and configuration scripts that the National Cryptology Center has developed to facilitate compliance with the National Cloud Security Scheme”.
The first resources are already available for download at the official CCN portals and their public access allows their use not only by the public sector, subject to ENS compliance but also in the private sector, where they will also prove to be very useful.
In fact, our good work has led Plain Concepts to be accredited as “Implementing Entity for CCN-STIC Guidelines”, in addition to being recognized as an Accredited Training Entity for “Secure Configuration of Cloud Scenarios (Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365) and Implementing Entity for “Secure Configuration of Cloud Scenarios”.